
SYLMAR : Mission College to Begin Registration

Applications for admission to fast-growing Mission College in the spring semester will be available Monday.

Campus administrators say they expect classes to fill rapidly.

“Please make sure to get your application in early and register early,” Dean of Students Carlos Nava advised potential students.

Mission College, which opened its permanent campus at 13356 Eldridge St. in Sylmar in the fall of 1991, grew to 6,916 full-time students this fall, a 12% increase over the previous year, officials said.


Nava said that most of those enrolling for the fall semester were returning students, which left room for only 2,300 new students, vacancies which were quickly filled.

Even after filling the enrollment, the school had a waiting list of about 2,500 students who could not find space in popular classes or those needed for graduation, according to Nava.

Applications can be obtained between 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. Monday through Thursday and from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday in the college admissions office.


Spring semester day classes will begin Jan. 20, with night classes starting Jan. 19. Saturday courses will begin Jan. 16.

The registration fee is $10 per unit for California residents. Students with bachelor’s or advanced degrees will for the first time be required to pay $50 per unit. The unemployed and those on welfare or receiving state or federal assistance are exempt from the $50 fee.
