
Goodby, ‘Bridge’

Regarding Rick Du Brow’s “Spanning Networks’ Troubled Waters” (Nov. 21) about the virtual cancellation of the “Brooklyn Bridge” series on CBS--that just about does it for me.

Except for an occasional good movie and the always marvelous but much too rare Hallmark productions, “I’ll Fly Away” and “Brooklyn Bridge” are the only intelligently written, sensitive and thought-provoking shows on TV.

Instead of using their unique position (at least one TV set in nearly every home) to offer viewers something worthwhile, the networks feed us meaningless trash. Everything seems to be either a big joke or an exploitation, and I’m sick of it.


“Brooklyn Bridge” was a delight to watch--fun, charming, sad and always touching with stories that unite people of all ages. If not allowing the show enough time to develop the characters or an audience is why the show is being canceled, then shame on CBS .

The difference between “I’ll Fly Away” and “Brooklyn Bridge” and everything else we’re provided by the three main networks is quality, talent and creativity. If these two are taken off the air, then I’m taking off too--to the bookstore.


Playa del Rey
