
Prosecutor for Iraqgate Inquiry

Your editorial (“The Case That Won’t Go Away,” Nov. 14) was right on the mark as far as it went. Unfortunately the public’s interest in this matter may fade as the Bush Administration becomes history. This must not be allowed to happen!

Atty. Gen. Barr has been successful, up until now, in covering up this scandal. A special counsel should be appointed at once. Otherwise there will be an impression that any illegal action can be pursued during the course of a presidential Administration--that such action is perfectly all right if it can be covered up until the Administration has ended.

This perception has become noticeably prevalent concerning the Iran-Contra mess. The fact that President Bush has evidently lied about his knowledge and involvement in this scandal is now considered by some as irrelevant. President Nixon’s total role in Watergate will never be known because of his pardon by President Ford.


It is little wonder that the public views the presidency and Congress with cynicism.


