
Broad Coordination in Planning Is a Must

Richard Weinstein (A Powerful Tool To Shape Growth, Nov. 11 commentary) says, “We must coordinate transportation planning, because it impacts everything else in Southern California.” Right on!

His example of the Air Quality Management District as a single-purpose bureaucracy is a classic in our approach to regional problems. “There is little policy coordination within or between agencies.” The AQMD is not charged with “ . . . addressing the relationship between transit, land use, economic development, social policy and the environment.”

Appropriate to Weinstein’s theme, a recent Times article described a successful urban plan in France several decades ago. The planner integrated future major roadways with core business areas and concentrated residential developments astride of and immediately adjacent to the roadways. The planner understood and demanded the mutual relationships of transportation, land use, economics, housing, etc.


There has to be a way to facilitate bringing home and workplace closer together. Community redevelopment and transportation have to move in concert to succeed.

Mr. Weinstein understands these relationships very well. We should listen to him and others like him. He indicates the Southern California Assn. of Governments (SCAG) is designated by certain federal acts to pull transportation and air quality planning together.

Wouldn’t this agency also be appropriate to enlist in some overall regional planning or at least goal setting?


It seems to me that all forms of local media (including The Times) could take on some responsibility for shaping the future, starting with educating all of us. Public support is imperative.

Wasting our human and physical resources in long and frustrating commutes, public or private, will continue until some group has the authority, imagination and will to plan our way out.

Transit planning by itself won’t get the real job done.

Mr. Weinstein is right on target!


Newport Beach
