
Overtime Pay

In reading the article on overtime costs (Dec. 9), I noticed the name of Detective III James Vojtecky listed as having earned over $15,000 in overtime. For clarification on his overtime, I would like readers to know that he is currently, and for the past year has been, involved in the investigation of a multiple murder case, which has victims and witnesses spread throughout the U.S. He is the primary investigating detective and has worked countless hours on his duties. His overtime is closely scrutinized, and each overtime report is approved at several levels. He is dedicated employee who works hard at his duties. He is not “featherbedding” when working.

Although you reported the use of overtime, there was no mention of the fact that strategic overtime is necessary, especially in these times of dwindling personnel for the Police Department. If additional personnel were available, then perhaps the use of overtime could be reduced. In the meantime, the names of hard-working officers like Vojtecky should not be defamed while they are providing service.

MARK A. KROEKER, Deputy Chief, Commanding Officer, Operations-Valley Bureau, Los Angeles Police Department
