
GOP Must Define Its Basic Essence, Offer Clear Vision of Future

EDITOR’S NOTE: On Feb. 28, Orange County Voices carried columns on the future of the Republican Party from two thoughtful Orange County writers representing conservative and moderate viewpoints.

At that time we offered this page as a forum and invited readers to join the debate by submitting their views on the future of the GOP and what its themes, appeals and programs should be.

The comments published here are a representative sample of the responses received.

Party Needs Goals Such as Reagan Had, George Bush Didn’t

To be successful the Republican Party must have a memorable vision/goal. Reagan had it. Bush did not. Clinton did and won the election.


The goal must be basic, must be such that all factions of the party can endorse it. Such a goal was proposed to the Bush Administration. Some ranking members of the staff felt it had merit, unfortunately for the Republicans the President did not.

The suggested Republican overall goal is “to give every present and future inhabitant the opportunity to achieve his or her own definition of success and happiness (if lawful and not dependent on charity), by protecting the inhabitant from domestic and foreign threats to person, property and freedom; by providing education and other advancement opportunities, and by bettering the inhabitant’s economic well being by requiring all government-controlled activities to yield the maximum long-range return from the resources used.”

This can be expressed as “help people help themselves be successful” and “help everyone be successful.” With successful citizens we will have a successful society in a successful country. The “success” theme is the basic goal.


Everyone wants to achieve his or her own definition of success. It fits with the Preamble to the Constitution. It fits with the Republicans. It does not fit with the Democrats. They learned long ago not to help their followers be successful because when successful they vote Republican.

The Republican party desperately needs a basic overall goal. You will notice such divisive issues as abortion are not in the basic goal. The divisive issues, whichever side is chosen by the party platform, are so far down the scale of goals that anyone should be able to live with them because they are not proposed to be the major thrust of the party.

Incidentally, while some of the White House staff liked the ring of “Successful Society,” it was reported to me that President Bush did not. He liked phrases like “Nice Society” better, or “America 2000” instead of “Successful Schools.” This may have been one of the reelection problems.


I believe the Republican Party must have a basic theme or goal with sensible sub goals that cover the economy and other citizen concerns, and that they can be expressed with ringing rhetoric if the GOP is to save itself and the country. I am suggesting “helping everyone be successful” i.e. “Successful Society.”


