
Immigration Bills Needed

I support Rep. Anthony C. Beilenson’s proposed legislation to restrict the rights of illegal immigrants and their children, including the bill that would deny citizenship to the children of illegal immigrants born in the United States. (“Immigration Bills Decried in Protest at Beilenson Office,” Times Valley Edition, March 6.)

The proposed bills aren’t racist but a means of preservation for the United States and its citizens.

America has been taken advantage of long enough. Something should be done about the people who feed off the system without contributing their fair share, including illegal immigrants.


Illegal immigrants may not be the sole cause of our problems with unemployment and the economy, but they sure are a part of it. They take jobs from citizens and don’t pay taxes on what they earn. They live off the country, giving very little if anything in return.

When is the United States going to stop catering to the lowest common denominator? When are we going to start favoring those who make the contributions and make this country what it is?


Canoga Park
