
Light Treatment of Stalking Criticized

On K8 of the Feb. 28 Times, you ran the headline “Amorous Tenant Not Owner’s Problem” above the Apartment Life column. The headline referred to the first letter in the column--a female tenant asking for advice after being repeatedly stalked by a male tenant.

The reply to her letter is fine; the headline, however, is not.

Stalking is a crime, often with violent, even deadly consequences. Many states are now passing anti-stalking laws, and Congress is introducing such legislation. To call a stalker (especially one with a police history of threatening women) “amorous” is, quite simply, beneath contempt.

Your headline makes it sound like the man wants to ask the female tenant out on a date. Her letter sounds like she’s fearing for her safety. Please don’t trivialize one of the biggest fears facing women living alone everywhere.



