
Movie (National ranking) Weekend Gross Screens/Avg. (Studio)...

Movie (National ranking) Weekend Gross Screens/Avg. (Studio) (National) (National) 1. The Adventures of (2) $71,160 13 / $5,473 Huck Finn (Buena Vista) ($5 million) 2. Born Yesterday (5) $65,136 16 / $4,071 (Buena Vista) ($3.6 million) (1,301 / $2,818) 3. The Crush (3) $61,422 11 / $5,583 (Warner Brothers) ($5 million) (1,759 / $2,857) 4. Jack the Bear (9) $59,780 12 / $4,981 (Fox) ($2.2 million) (1,065 / $2,084) 5. Point of No Return (6) $54,311 17 / $3,194 (Warner Brothers) ($3.6 million) (1,659 / $2,177) Weeks Released 1. 1 (1,786 / $2,818) 2. 2 3. 1 4. 1 5. 3

Estimated from data supplied, as of press time, by Exhibitor Relations Co.
