
Due Credit

In her article describing the hair fashions of those celebrities attending the Academy Award ceremonies, Debra Gendel noted the stylish curls of Linda Thompson, labeling her only as the “former Elvis girlfriend” (“The Return of Curlers?,” March 30).

While this antiquated, possessive, irrelevant and ultimately insensitive reference might be of interest to those readers who remain focused on the 1970s love life of a famous dead guy, other readers curious about the current day’s events might have been interested to learn that Thompson actually was attending as an Oscar nominee (original song) for her outstanding lyrics to the hit song “I Have Nothing,” performed by Whitney Houston in “The Bodyguard.” At Thompson’s side was her tuneful collaborator, fellow nominee David Foster--or, in the spirit of Gendel’s article, the current husband of Elvis’ former girlfriend.



Segue Music Inc.

