
PANORAMA CITY : African Culture to Be Celebrated

Song, dance and comedy performances from African peoples will highlight the African Tour at the Panorama Mall.

The free festivities, to be held in the mall’s center court today, will bring together arts, crafts and cultural entertainment from Africa, South America and the Caribbean Islands. African-American themes will also be included.

“The idea is to bring cultural attitudes to different people so we can understand who we all are,” said Louise Marquez, the mall’s marketing director.


Beginning at 1 p.m, the Mooney Twins will present African-American history through comedy. At 2, the Pan-African Cultural Ensemble will perform songs and dances from Senegal. Traditional and Afro-Centric music will be performed at 3 by Chashif. The performances will conclude at 4 with a concert by the Powershift Island Jazz Band.

More than two dozen arts and crafts vendors will also be on hand. Today will be the only day of entertainment during the African Tour, which ends Sunday. Mall hours are 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. today and 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday.
