
Parent, Teacher and Students Uphold Valencia High Virtues

It’s true that most other people think Valencia is a bad, gang-violent school. However, this is in no way true. Even though we may have the most diversely ethnic school in the district, this does not mean that we are more apt to commit violence. Actually, having a school that is 44% white, 40% Latino, 11% Asian, 2% black and 3% other helps the students here learn more about different cultures. This is good also because the real world is more diverse so going to school not only helps our education, but it also prepares us for what it’s going to be like in the future.

Maybe this diversity even helps us learn because we are ranked higher than average in our SAT scores and in the number of National Merit Scholars. So, if you ask me, I think--no, I know--Valencia High School is the best high school around.


Valencia High School student
