
What Card Clubs Will Bring to Cypress, Stanton

As a longtime taxpayer and resident of Stanton, I’m deeply concerned at the prospect of having a card club in Stanton. Our city officials are telling us how much revenue they will collect, and we will pay less taxes.

As far as I’m concerned, it will bring us not only corruption and crime, but it will not reduce our taxes. Some of the people have been brainwashed into believing that their taxes will be cut. But they should look further. The councilmen in question are telling many seniors just that. In fact, Stanton is noted for its high-crime rate, yet our councilman who is for Proposition A told us crime had gone down. He then went on to say that the revenue from the card clubs would go towards paying for more sheriffs in our city. He is contradicting himself on this issue.

There are gullible voters out there who are not aware of the hardships that this nightmare to our city will bring. I suggest before voting, they take a long, hard look.



