
CLIPBOARD : Airline Performance at John Wayne

For March,1993


Total flights Percent on time Airline reported ** Departing Arriving Alaska 400 94.0 89.9 American 1,142 89.9 81.8 America West 1,265 91.6 88.9 Continental 453 92.9 85.1 Delta 473 77.3 73.2 Northwest 344 81.9 77.5 TWA 111 91.1 70.9 United 635 82.8 77.2 TOTAL FLIGHTS 4,823 88.3 82.7



Flight Total flights Number Airline number Destination reported ** on time Delta 1716 Dallas-Ft. Worth 31 18 Northwest 116 Detroit 28 18 United 762 Chicago 30 20 United 522 Chicago 26 18 America West 469 San Francisco 30 21 Northwest 114 Minneapolis-St. Paul 27 19 Delta 380 Salt Lake City 29 21 Delta 650 Las Vegas 31 23 American 1550 Chicago 31 23 United 166 Denver 30 23 Delta 1712 Dallas-Ft. Worth 30 23 American 1862 San Jose 27 21

Percent Airline on time Delta 58.0 Northwest 64.2 United 66.7 United 69.2 America West 70.0 Northwest 70.3 Delta 72.4 Delta 74.1 American 74.1 United 76.6 Delta 76.6 American 77.7



Flight Point of Total flights Number Percent Airline number origin reported ** on time on time American 1835 Chicago 25 12 48.0 Delta 841 Dallas-Ft. Worth 31 17 54.8 United 343 Denver 29 16 55.1 American 1671 Chicago 29 16 55.1 Northwest 117 Minneapolis-St. Paul 27 15 55.5 American 473 Dallas-Ft. Worth 30 18 60.0 American 239 Chicago 23 14 60.8 Delta 1494 Salt Lake City 31 20 64.5 Northwest 215 Detroit 29 19 65.5 TWA 65 St. Louis 30 20 66.7 American 733 Dallas-Ft. Worth 28 19 67.8

* Department of Transportation defines “on time” as arriving at or departing from a gate within 15 minutes of the scheduled time.

** Total number of reported flights arriving at and departing from John Wayne Airport; includes canceled and diverted flights.


*** 20 or more flights per month; includes canceled and diverted flights.

Source: Department of Transportation
