
His Physique Might Be Enough to Make Some Think Twice

Kirby Puckett of the Minnesota Twins is doing commercials for double cheeseburgers with double cheese.

Asked if players really use the products they endorse, Puckett said: “I don’t have to lie on that one.”

As for the calorie count in each double cheeseburger, Puckett said: “Who’s counting? When you look like me already, why worry?”


Puckett was a “heavy” hitter in the All-Star game Tuesday, when he was named most valuable player.

Trivia time: Who was the first rookie to play in baseball’s All-Star game?

Trendsetter? From columnist Blackie Sherrod of the Dallas Morning News: “Whatzis? A U.S. Open champ who doesn’t wear a golf glove? Lee Janzen goes barehanded, for goodness sake. Next thing you know, some wide receiver will show up without an earring.”

Plenty of mustard: Columnist Scott Ostler of the San Francisco Chronicle writing on Babe Ruth: “Ruth was the world’s first hotdog. He was Charles Barkley plus Reggie Jackson squared. A third baseman of the era once said: ‘Babe never hit a home run against us that he didn’t wink at me as he was rounding third.’ ”


Loony list: As development manager of the U.S. Olympic Festival, Carla Smitherman buys supplies for the 10-day event that begins July 23. But her grocery list is somewhat peculiar.

A few sample items: 20 toilet plungers for ice skating, five spitting pails for boxing, 100 clothespins for hanging up wet jockstraps and 92,500 bananas for eating.

Walk if you can: From Alan Soloman of the Chicago Tribune: “Maybe the essence of Don Drysdale, the pitcher, was this: Once, with first base open, he was told to walk Frank Robinson intentionally. He did. With four straight knockdown pitches.”


Bird’s call: Larry Bird was asked by Jackie MacMullan of the Boston Globe: Is Michael Jordan the greatest basketball player ever?

“I can’t say that,” Bird said. “I played against both Michael and Magic, but I played against Magic at his best. I always thought he was the toughest I ever played against.

“What we had was so special, and you know Michael wishes he had something like that.”

Chug, chug: If you are intrigued by nicknames, how about this one: Charles (Chugger) Adair, who recently left the San Diego team in the Continental Indoor Soccer League to play in Europe.

Chugger got his nickname because of his style of play. He just chugs along.

Saying it like it is: Some residents of Frankfort, Ind., say the hype surrounding filming of the movie, “Blue Chips,” has become tedious. “I think it’s overblown,” said Pam Howell, who owns a local pizzeria. “We look like a hick town, we’re making so much out of this. Of course, we are a hick town.”

Trivia answer: Joe DiMaggio in 1936.

Quotebook: Ted Turner, owner of the Atlanta Braves and Hawks: “If I only had a little humility, I would be perfect.”
