
Safety Lacking

While reading the Nov. 5 Ventura County section, I noticed a picture at the top of B2 of three high school girls participating in a drop drill. As I examined the picture more closely, I became upset with the lack of safety if there were a real emergency.

I am a teacher and a member of our school’s disaster committee. Ever since the Mexico City earthquake disaster, our community safety agencies have revamped the procedures for protection from serious injuries during drop and cover drills. The correct posture for students, teachers, people at home or the office is a kneeling and bent position under a sturdy piece of furniture. The legs of the table should be held, with the eyes protected in the bend of one of the elbows. The girls in the picture would have been at serious risk from a falling ceiling or flying glass if this had been a real disaster.

I am not finding fault with anyone. I am primarily concerned that your readers might use this picture as a guide in a real emergency and not be safe.



Simi Valley
