
MISSION VIEJO : City Officials Irked Over Vasquez Letter

City officials are outraged over a letter sent by Orange County Supervisor Gaddi H. Vasquez to local residents and surrounding communities that sympathizes with their anxiety over a city proposal to regulate adults-only businesses.

The city’s proposal would allow adults-only businesses to operate in four areas of the city. Proponents say the idea would keep such businesses from locating near churches, schools and residences.

But opponents of the plan have complained to Vasquez that the ordinance would allow pornographic activity too close to their homes.


Earlier this month, Vasquez responded by sending letters to at least 10 residents in and around Mission Viejo in which he said he is “worried too about what Mission Viejo is doing. . . . I share your concerns.”

The letter angered Mission Viejo council members and prompted them to complain that the supervisor is undermining their efforts to control adults-only businesses.

“I think he means in his letters that he shares their outrage,” said Mayor Robert D. Breton. “I can understand why citizens are confused and don’t understand what we’re trying to do, but he has a responsibility to understand what we’re trying to do.”


Vasquez said he was simply responding to his constituent’s complaints.

“My intent was never to add fuel to the fire,” he said. “I was recognizing that sometimes these (adult businesses) . . . can have an effect on neighboring areas.”

Vasquez said he had no specific objection to the ordinance, saying that his concern was of a general nature.

But council members said his letter hurts their efforts to educate people about how the city is trying to combat adult businesses.


“I’ve gotten real nasty hate mail,” said Councilwoman Sharon Cody. “One person wrote me and said that I must love pornographers.”

The proposed ordinance will be considered by the Planning Commission on Monday.
