
Naming Americans

* Although I understand Leo Guerra Tezcatlipoca’s frustration with people referring to Mexicans as Latinos or Hispanics (Voices, Nov. 22), I must also point out that all white people (people of no color?) are not Anglo. The word Anglo refers to England and its people, and as he correctly pointed out, not all white people are from England. It is rare to find a white person who is solely Anglo in America. The vast majority have a number of other nationalities in their ancestry.

I have a simple solution to this name game: Let’s call citizens of America Americans--not Mexican-American or Chicano, not African-American, not Anglo-American or Euro-American. Just American. That is, unless Tezcatlipoca is prepared to refer to me as a Anglo-Saxon-German-Welsh-Franco-Native American-American. I have my (separatist, nationalistic) pride too, you know.


Dana Point
