
KOREATOWN : Benefit to Aid Stores Closed Since Riots

The Korean American Grocers’ Victims Assn. will host a fund-raising dinner Jan. 18 at the Radisson Wilshire Plaza Hotel, 3515 Wilshire Blvd.

The event is a benefit for Korean American store owners whose businesses were damaged or destroyed during the 1992 riots and who have been unable to reopen because of municipal regulations, said Min Paek, the association’s executive director.

“We hope through this event we can get some commitments for help that will bring us closer to finding reasonable solutions to the problems faced by these people, who lost everything during the riot but are still not able to rebuild their businesses despite their best efforts,” Paek said.


The program will begin at 6 p.m. and includes a keynote speech by attorney and activist Angela Oh, an update on the rebuilding process and a screening of “Seoul House,” a video feature by David Chung.

Tickets are $50 each or $75 per couple.

Information: (213) 766-7437 or (213) 731-8608.
