
BALDWIN HILLS : Revitalization Center Aids 600 Businesses

The Business Revitalization Center, a state office designed to streamline the application process for businesses in central Los Angeles, reported last month that it has helped more than 600 fledgling businesses since opening in July at the Baldwin Hills Crenshaw Plaza.

“In business, time is money,” center Executive Director Jamesina Henderson said. “We have been very pleased with our ability to save business people a significant amount of time getting the necessary permits to get their enterprises started and open for business. For us, the message is clear: One stop means days saved equals dollars saved.”

In addition to helping with the permit and licensing process, the center also provides information on business management training programs, employer tax requirements and job tax credits. The offices represented at the center include the state Environmental Protection Agency, Trade and Commerce Agency, Employment Development Department, the Department of Transportation the city and county of Los Angeles.


Operations Director Roy Muto said the applicants have been evenly divided between new businesses and those seeking to rebuild or upgrade.

“We’ve had a good mix of wanna-bes and existing businesses,” he said. Although he said the center has responded to some out-of-state inquiries on enterprise zones and setting up shop in Los Angeles, small and moderate business applicants have thus far been overwhelmingly local.
