
Take a Page Out of Library’s Book

The idea of facing a new year can be hard when it seems so many of us are suffering a deficit of hope. New wars spring up around the globe. The economy seems to be in a permanent stall. Children carry guns to school and shoot other children.

So this New Year’s weekend, it seems best to highlight one of those average, everyday events that provide hope for the future.

Sponsored by the Cerritos Public Library for the past five years, “Teens and Kids” is a reading series for children that features teen-age volunteers as the readers.


The program has about 20 volunteers from local high schools. They give their time to be trained by the library’s staff, then appear just about every Thursday to entertain 60 kids.

The teen-agers don’t get school credit and, although such a program might look good on college applications, many of the readers are still years away from worrying about that. These kids are giving up precious social time just to pass on a love of reading. Imagine.

The reading series took a break for much of December because of busy holiday schedules, but it returns this Thursday with a full reading list.


The children who attend the series range in age from preschoolers to fourth-graders. They are split into three groups of about 20 children each, based on age.

This month, preschoolers--known as the “Read Aloud” group--will hear books such as “Goodnight Owl” by Pat Hutchins and “The Reason I’m Not Finished Tying My Shoes,” by Martha Whitmore-Hickman. Teen-agers also lead their groups in songs and games.

The “Rookie Readers,” ages 5 and 6, will hear stories such as “Abi Yoyo” by Pete Seeger. Children in the second- to fourth-grade range will hear tales such as Petra Mathers’ “Maria Theresa,” about a chicken by the same name.



After five years, the program has retained a loyal following and, because class size is limited, the library staff takes reservations for the 20 slots in each age group. New series are created each month and the teen-agers rotate jobs, with some reading and some helping organize.

Everyone gets to read. Children get introduced to books. Teen-agers learn the rewards of giving.

Seems like a reason to hope for the future, doesn’t it?

“Teens and Kids” plays out every Thursday at 3:30 p.m. in the Cerritos Public Library, 18025 S. Bloomfield Ave., Cerritos. For information: (310) 924-5776, Ext. 469.
