
TOUGH SELL: The secret to reducing smog...

TOUGH SELL: The secret to reducing smog and traffic, the experts say, is to get more business people to work at home, tying into the office through computer hookups. Problem is, says a new Caltrans survey of more than 700 Orange County companies, the idea isn’t catching on. . . . Only 11% of the firms surveyed have formal telecommuting programs. Another 19% have a few informal arrangements. And those doing nothing? A whopping 87% of that group don’t even have plans for such an option for its workers.

BEYOND THE SHADOW: Some who know little about English writer C. S. Lewis may be more familiar with him after a special screening of “Shadowlands” at the Edwards Town Center Cinema in Costa Mesa Thursday night. The movie is about Lewis’ marriage to American Joy Davidman Gresham. Her son, Douglas Gresham, will fly in from Ireland to talk about the marriage at a reception ($35-$50) following the Edwards screening. . . . Proceeds will go toward restoration of the late writer’s Oxford home.

SOCCER’S YEAR: With the U.S. soccer team training for the 1994 World Cup, some of its stars are a little surprised at the positive public reaction. They’re even on trading cards, like baseball players. Says team member Joe-Max Moore, who went to Mission Viejo High School: “I collected trading cards when I was a kid, but I never expected to get the same treatment playing soccer.” The team will play a preview match against Switzerland at Cal State Fullerton on Jan. 22.


WORKING WELL: Brenda Lynn, vice president of Santa Ana-based Plaza Home Mortgage Corp., may be getting more publicity than she wanted about her $1.4-million income last year. National business magazines showed she was the only woman in Orange County to top $1 million. Now Working Woman magazine has listed the top women’s salaries, and it shows Lynn’s to be 12th best in the U.S. First: Turi Josefsen, executive VP of U.S. Surgical Corp., at $26.7 million.
