
News, Tips & Bargains : The Sonoma Valley Way to Save

Nineteen Sonoma Valley lodgings, including the Sonoma Mission Inn and the El Dorado Hotel, are offering discount rates now through April 1 as part of a “Sonoma Valley Supersavers” program.

The best prices are available midweek. At the Sonoma Mission Inn, room rates range from $99 to $159 a night Sunday through Thursday, and $150 to $295 Friday and Saturday. Other sample prices: El Dorado, $75-$90 Sunday-Thursday and $95-$110 Friday and Saturday; Glenelly Inn, $80-$125 Sunday-Thursday and $80-$125 Friday and Saturday, and Sonoma Valley Inn, $79 Sunday-Thursday and $95-$100 Friday and Saturday. Some lodgings are temporarily lifting two-night minimums, others are offering vouchers good for discounts at restaurants.

The details are spelled out in a Supersavers information sheet. To obtain a copy, along with a 1993 Sonoma Valley Visitors Guide (the 1994 edition will be available at the end of January), write the Sonoma Valley Visitors Bureau, 453 1st St. East, Sonoma 95476, or call (707) 996-1090.
