
THOUSAND OAKS : City to Spend $23,500 to Fund Waste Study

The Thousand Oaks City Council will spend nearly $23,500 to fund its share of a study assessing the financial and legal feasibility of forming a Ventura County Waste Authority.

But the city will get its money back later this year, as trash officials have arranged to fund the study through as yet uncollected fees on garbage haulers.

“The cities will have to come up with the money upfront, but they’ll get reimbursed,” Councilman Alex Fiore said.


All 10 Ventura County cities have agreed to put up funds for the study, which will evaluate the potential assets and liabilities of the proposed trash authority. After the study is completed this spring, each City Council will vote on whether to join the new authority.

Approved by Gov. Pete Wilson late last year, the proposed countywide waste authority will coordinate efforts to reduce the amount of solid waste that ends up in landfills. The new agency would take over some duties of the Ventura Regional Sanitation District and replace the county’s Solid Waste Management Department.

“The idea is to consolidate (bureaucracies) so one authority is watching over everything,” Fiore said.


Until the Ventura County Waste Authority kicks into gear next year, Thousand Oaks, Simi Valley and Moorpark have formed on East Ventura County Waste Task Force to supervise landfill and garbage issues. On Tuesday, the Thousand Oaks City Council appointed Fiore as its representative to the task force.
