
Lines at Post Office

My fellow workers and I at the Thousand Oaks Post Office were very upset to find your front page caption, “Long Lines, Big Boxes: No Holiday at the Post Office.”

I would like your readers to know that this caption is anything but correct. At the Thousand Oaks Post Office, we are proud to be an office that is dedicated to providing window services in five minutes or less, even during the holiday season. This goal is a new directive for the Postal Service thanks to our Postmaster General Marvin Runyon, as well as local Postmaster Douglas Leeds, who is very customer service-oriented. During the photographer’s visit, our line averaged between three to eight people--not what most patrons would consider a long line, especially with five to seven clerks working behind the counter and not to mention our busiest time of the year.

This improved service is a result of several new measures now in place at our Thousand Oaks Main Office. One of those is the lobby director program, designed to answer questions, help customers with various forms and provide mailing supplies during peak hours. Through this program, our customers’ transactions are prepared before they reach the counter, and this dramatically speeds up any wait in line. We have received very favorable comments since the inception of this program.


It is unfortunate that the Los Angeles Times chooses to continue with the same old stereotype about the U. S. Postal Service instead of reporting the true story: “Short Lines, Improved Service: Happy Holidays From Your Post Office.”


Thousand Oaks

Michael Madrigal is a customer service clerk at the Thousand Oaks Post Office.
