
Officer Martin Ganz

* I address this letter to express my absolute outrage and sorrow over the recent killing of Officer Martin Ganz of the Manhattan Beach Police Department (Dec. 29). I am certain that the community has lost one of its most professional and compassionate officers as the result of a senseless act of violence and cowardice.

This tragic incident is a grim reminder of the danger the men and women in uniform face on a daily basis while protecting our communities. They deserve our support and respect.

I had the pleasure of working with Officer Ganz as the result of his involvement in a driving-under-the-influence investigation out of Manhattan Beach. The woman under investigation had small children in her car who were very upset and scared by the traffic stop and arrest of their mother. As backup for another officer who conducted the investigation, Ganz consoled the children and spent time reassuring them. After the mother and children were transported back to the station, Ganz spent hours with the children until a relative could be reached to come and pick them up. He also spent his own money to buy them food because they were hungry.


Officer Ganz was a true professional and will be dearly missed.


Manhattan Beach

* In recent months, police officers in the Los Angeles area involved with traffic stops have needlessly lost their lives, having been murdered by ruthless thugs who live by the gun. There is regrettably little that we citizens can do for those gallant officers except to demand that video cameras be installed in all patrol cars and mandate that absolutely all traffic stops be accompanied by radio messages giving the license number and description of the vehicle. What does it take to protect those who protect us?


