
LAKEWOOD : Alleged Founder of Spur Posse Sentenced in Burglary

A man alleged to be a founder of the infamous Spur Posse at Lakewood High School was sentenced Thursday to 10 years in prison for burglary.

Dana Belman, 20, of Lakewood, was convicted late last year.

Belman and his friends, most of them students at Lakewood High, touched off a national furor last spring when stories surfaced of their sexual escapades, including alleged harassment of female students and keeping score of sexual encounters.

But of the 17 sex-related Spur Posse cases presented to the district attorney’s office, 15 were rejected. One teen-ager pleaded guilty and has been sent to a juvenile camp, and another faces one felony charge.


The charges leading to Belman’s conviction surfaced in the wake of the sexual allegations. Authorities said Belman, after being invited to the home of some junior high school girls in June, 1992, entered the girls’ parents’ bedroom and took credit cards, which he used.
