
SYLMAR : Ex-Police Officer to Challenge Katz

A Sylmar resident who is a political unknown has said he will run for the 39th Assembly District seat held by Richard Katz (D-Sylmar).

Ollie M. McCaulley, a Democrat and former South Gate police officer active in youth sports and counseling, announced his candidacy Thursday on a platform focusing on illegal immigration and criminal justice reform.

A former Marine who owns an accounts management firm, McCaulley said he has been weighing a run for office for nearly a decade while accruing more community experience. He has been a high school assistant coach and is a youth counselor and football coach for the Northridge Athletic Club, where he also is a board member.


McCaulley, 37, said he is campaigning under the assumption that Katz will decide to run again, despite speculation that the assemblyman is eyeing a different office.

McCaulley said he will hone in on illegal immigration, pushing for tighter border controls, but also programs to make undocumented residents more productive.

“We need to deal with the fact that they are here,” he said. “We can’t just leave them to stand on a corner and be picked up for cheap labor.”


McCaulley also said the state does not need more gun control, but better control of the violent felons it convicts.

“I think we have a lot of gun-control laws,” he said. “My question is what are we going to do with the people who use the guns and go to prison, then get out? I think we need stricter laws.”

He favors “three-strikes” proposals that would sentence violent felons to lengthy terms on their third felony convictions, but said first convictions should be stricter.


“Why does there have to be three victims to see the light?” he said. “If we say you’re doing 10 years, you should serve 10 years.”
