
Drug Legalization Is Valid Option

* Regarding your editorial comments on legalization of drugs (“Legalization, No; Policy Overhaul, Yes” Jan. 4): Your solid stand against drug legalization is remarkable considering the number of commentaries that have appeared in The Times since Judge (James P.) Gray initially proposed legalization several years ago. I had hoped you would have been more convinced by the logical arguments that have been presented in favor of legalization.

It is incredible that our society has not learned the lessons of Prohibition and continues to repeat that failure of history. We can only educate people to the dangers of drugs, we will never be able to dictate personal behavior, even when it is self-destructive.

Our prisons will continue to be a growth industry as long as the immense profits of the drug trade are available to anyone willing to take the risks involved. We will also continue to pour billions of dollars into the criminal justice system to no avail.

How many more years must society endure the terrible costs of this fruitless “war on drugs”?



Newport Beach

* Your editorial: “Legalization, No; Policy Overhaul, Yes” (Jan. 4) for the second time presents the same illogical position. Since you advocate study of anti-drug policies (long overdue), how can you, prior to the study, reject one possible best solution--legalization? If you already know the result of such a study, why not publish all your data so we can all be similarly clued in?

According to Judge Gray, as much as 80% of all crime is drug-related or -motivated. Thus, I can see how (Los Angeles County) Sheriff (Sherman) Block would be so vehemently opposed to drug legalization, for if it indeed eliminated 80% of all crime, his department would be mostly out of work.

Maybe then the law enforcement personnel could spend their time helping improve our quality of life, like using their invaluable experience to teach kids not to abuse drugs, how to drive safely, and how to avoid trouble.



