
Homeowner Group

* I am appalled that anyone or any association would even consider the least bit of retribution against a person who so greatly assisted in saving the lives of six people as did Richard Wright (“Scout Fined for Using CB in Boat Rescue,” Jan. 5). I find it unbelievable that any association could be so self-centered as to prohibit a response to a distress call from a family in peril.

Are television reception and cellular phone connections that important that they no longer consider the value of human life? Is this the value system that the members of the Moulton Parkway Assn. teach their children?

Mr. Wright should be commended for his initiative, knowledge and skill, not fined by a bunch of self-serving couch potatoes.


I wonder what the association’s reaction would have been if it had been one of them in that boat?


Mission Viejo
