
Rams, Angels Should Leave Town

* In reference to the complaints and lack of press and civic support for Orange County’s only major league sports teams, the L.A. Rams and California Angels, I have a suggestion for Georgia (Frontiere) and (Gene) Autry: Move both teams back to the major leagues of the city and county of Los Angeles. They would then be able to call themselves the Los Angeles Rams and the Los Angeles Angels. Leave Anaheim to Disneyland and the minor league Ducks.

Meanwhile, Los Angeles could revitalize itself by erecting a new stadium in South Central Los Angeles. This money would come from the feds, the state and Los Angeles, who are supposed to finance and rebuild South L.A.

The Coliseum and the Rose Bowl were built in the ‘20s. Dodger Stadium (privately owned) was built in the ‘60s. This city is way overdue for a new stadium.


Please rehire (Peter) Ueberroth to get this project going. The Angels and Rams will never progress remaining in the minor league territory of Anaheim and Orange County.


Laguna Niguel
