
My Best Shot

To know that Dr. Gunnar E. Christiansen of Anaheim is an ophthalmologist is to know only half of the story. Twelve years ago, he started putting together free travelogues for homebound senior citizens. Today he does them for both shut-ins and the hundreds who come to his public shows. “I’ll probably retire soon, but I’ll keep doing the travelogues,” he says. One of his recent shows centered on Paris, which he had just visited for the first time. “We were at the top of the Centre Pompidou, where the plaza attracts many street performers and mimes. I looked down and saw this fire eater. I ran down the stairs and got there just in the nick of time. I only got the one shot.” Needless to say, it’s in his travelogue.

Got a great travel photo? Send a color print or slide to: “My Best Shot,” Travel Section, Los Angeles Times, Times Mirror Square, Los Angeles 90053. Include a typed description of the photo, when and where it was taken, and why it is interesting. Include your name, address and telephone number. Photos can be returned only if a self-addressed, stamped envelope is included.
