
Recalling ‘Gypsy’ the Film

Contrary to your report re the new Bette Midler version of “Gypsy” (TV Times, Dec. 12), the Rosalind Russell film version was not a “major artistic and commercial disappointment.” That Warner Bros. film made money and was very popular. The video release has sold millions of copies. The film earned two Oscar nominations. The role was written for Ethel Merman who wanted to do the film. Honestly, Midler was not that good.

Richard Garland, Burbank

Forgettable Christmas Memory

So, when Marilyn Kentz of NBC’s “The Mommies” is asked about her most memorable Christmas (TV Times, Dec. 19), what comes to her mind is making fun of and ridiculing people who put a lot of time and effort into decorating their house for Christmas, thereby bringing joy not only to themselves, but to the children and, I dare say, to many of the adults in their neighborhood.

But now that her “kids” are grown, she and her family derive great pleasure from laughing at the house--meaning the people inside--yelling out, “Get some therapy,” and the fact that “now everybody calls it ‘Pathetic Court.’ ” What a lovely Christmas memory.


Jon W. Brewer, Sherman Oaks

‘Moon’ Shines On

Since it looks as though “Moon Over Miami” (ABC) will be riding off into the--ah--sunset, I would like to let everyone involved with the show know how much I enjoyed it. The two leads (Bill Campbell and Ally Walker) are very appealing, and I thought the episode about the Spanish-speaking soap opera was a scream. The banter between Walter and his cellmate was very funny. If the show doesn’t return, I’ll miss it. And yes, I was a big “Moonlighting” fan.

Anne Wilson, Paramount
