
FULLERTON : 11 City Workers Honored for Service

Eleven city workers were recently honored for service by City Manager James L. Armstrong.

Kim Core, a building permit assistant in the Development Services Department, was named general government employee of the year. Core helps residents and contractors process building plans.

Core was commended by her supervisors for working overtime and Saturdays to process permits so builders could meet their construction schedules. She is also taking construction technology courses at Fullerton College to help her on the job.

Doug Cave, a police sergeant in the traffic bureau, was named safety employee of the year. Cave, 36, first worked for the city when he was 15, as a recreation aide for the former Parks and Recreation Department.


Cave joined the Police Department when he was 21 and said he has always wanted to a Fullerton police officer. He was one of the first DARE officers for the city and has worked as a SWAT team leader.

Judy Rohr, a manager at the public library, was named manager of the year. A 16-year library veteran, Rohr was promoted in 1990 to head adult services at the library.

Rohr has overseen the reduction of library services to save city money. She was commended for her ability to communicate well with library patrons and employees.


Each of the three workers received a plaque and $350. Their names have been added to a trophy displayed in the lobby of City Hall.

Eight other employees were named as finalists and received certificates and $100. All the employees were nominated by their co-workers and supervisors.

The finalists are: community services supervisor Russ Akina, water service worker Frank Chimzar, firefighter Ben Garrett and children’s librarian Janine Jacobs.


Also named as finalists: auto parts clerk Don Lemke, senior Police Officer Dave Miller, clerical assistant Pam Miller and equipment supervisor Tony Sambrano.
