
SHERMAN WHAT? It’s called Sherman Village, a...

SHERMAN WHAT? It’s called Sherman Village, a skinny wedge of suburbia between Sherman Oaks and North Hollywood. Although the new area was officially designated in September, few people who live and work there are aware of its new name (B1). . . . Their confusion reflects the uncertainty of many residents as the Valley continues to rename various chunks of itself.

FLYING HISTORY: Van Nuys Airport is a busy, modern aviation center, with more than 1,500 takeoffs and landings annually. So busy and modern, in fact, that it’s easy to forget it was once home to barnstormers and daredevils like aviatrix Pancho Barnes, who later become den-mother to the record-breaking jet jockeys at Edwards Air Force base (B4). . . . L.A. Scene also recalls that plenty of movies were shot at Van Nuys Airport, including the famous farewell scene between Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman in “Casablanca.”

QUAYLE SPEECH: Former Vice President Dan Quayle, speaking at a Baptist church in Lancaster on Sunday, urged conservative Christians to join him in proclaiming the importance of family values. He also told 2,000 churchgoers that bias against right-wing Christians is “the only acceptable form of bigotry in our society” (B1). . . . Above, Quayle chats with Pastor Paul Chappell during the dedication.


IGUANA ALERT: It wasn’t your typical lost pet ad: The Pira family of Northridge described their missing iguana as being 2 1/2 pounds, four feet long and “friendly and green.” Iggy wandered off just before Christmas, and its owner, 13-year-old Lena Pira, was disconsolate. Not one person called about the ad. But eventually, Iggy did turn up--in an unlikely spot (B5).

ORPHAN STREET: Everyone agrees that Foothill Boulevard in Tujunga is badly in need of repairs. But it hasn’t been repaved in years. Why not? Well, it seems there was a standoff between the city of Los Angeles and Caltrans over who should foot the bill. Street Smart explains all (B1).
