LAUSD Honor Band
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* On New Year’s Day a shining star broke through the overcast that seems to have settled over the state of education in the city of Los Angeles. Marching proudly down Colorado Boulevard in the 105th Rose Parade was the Los Angeles Unified School District All District Honor Band.
Everyone involved with the LAUSD--parents, students, faculty, staff and administrators--should all take pride in having been represented by such a fine group of young musicians. Unfortunately, all the hard work and dedication that the band members, band directors and support staff have put in could not be appreciated in the precious few seconds of television coverage or the few moments one has as the band marches past during the parade.
Again, everyone involved with Los Angeles schools should hold their heads up a little higher as 350 of our students marched in front of the world and answered the question that they were asked many times during practice: “Who’s the best band in the parade?” The reply, “All District, sir!”
San Pedro