
WESTLAKE VILLAGE : Council May Revise Emergency Plans

The flames of early November narrowly missed Westlake Village, but the brush fires have prompted city leaders to look again at how well prepared they are for an emergency caused by fires, floods or earthquakes.

Last week, the Westlake Village City Council discussed ways to strengthen the city’s response plans to natural disasters. The discussion was part of a session Friday to develop overall goals for the city in 1994.

The council discussed drafting a new version of its current disaster plan, which explains how to set up emergency communications networks. City Councilman Ken Rufener said that the plan as currently written is highly technical and might be difficult to understand.


Besides clarifying the plan, the council also hopes to expand it, he said. For example, a new plan might include requirements that brush be cleared from around homes. Also included might be plans to recruit and train volunteer arson patrols for periods when fire danger is high, Rufener said.

Besides reworking the disaster plans, the council considered launching an effort to keep the city’s new county library branch open and expanding the economic development committee to include smaller businesses.

Rufener suggested that the council consider putting traffic lights on Agoura Road and Lindero Canyon Road.
