
Postal Proofreaders Make Royal Mistake

<i> Reuters</i>

Proofreaders at Canada’s postal service let a royal error slip through in the production of a souvenir stamp book--a reference to “the Prince of Whales.”

Much to Canada Post’s chagrin, the book was printed with a passage describing a visit by “the Prince of Whales” to the snowy shores in 1860. That prince eventually became King Edward VII, the great-great-grandfather of the present Prince of Wales.

“Unfortunately, it’s just something that went through a number of people and got missed,” Canada Post spokesman Jim Phillips said of the incorrect spelling of “Wales.”


“It was a human error and there was no intended slight to the Royal Family or to Prince Charles.”

He said that Canada Post will not pull the book from the shelves since the 1994 edition is already in production.
