
Raising the Stakes : Many Local Politicians Pledge Pay Raises For City Services

A 5% pay increase that took effect Jan. 1 proved to be a litmus test for elected city officials committed to solving the city’s budgetary problems.

Many felt it would be a political embarrassment to accept the raise in the current budget crisis. In November, the City Council voted to recommend that all elected officials, including themselves, refuse the raise, but left it up to individuals to decide how the money should be spent.

City Council members’ salaries are tied to those of Municipal Court judges, a consequence of the ethics reform package approved by voters in 1990, while the County Board of Supervisors’ pay increase, under a 1953 charter amendment, is tied to Superior Court judges salaries.


The deadline for officials to decide what to do with their pay increase was Jan. 4 Many chose to waive it, leaving the money in the account they use to run their offices. A few accepted the raise an donated it to charitable organizations. By accepting the raise,they must pay more taxes, but will reap the benefits of higher pensions. Donations can also be claimed as a charitable contribution on federal tax returns.

At least one official accepted the salary increase and made no public plans to donate it.

Pay Hikes Deferred


Current salary: $90,680 Current salary with raise: $95,214 * Mike Hernandez, 1st District-Waived the increase. Joel Wachs, 2nd District-Waived the increase. Laura Chick, 3rd District-First council member to file a waiver rejecting the increase. John Ferraro, 4th District-Waived the increase. Zev Yaroslavsky, 5th District-Waived the increase. Ruth Galanter, 6th District-Waived the increase. Richard Alarcon, 7th District-Waived the increase, but donated to four police divisions in the northwest Valley. Mark Ridley-Thomas, 8th District-Waived the increase. Rita Waters, 9th District-Waived the increase. Nate Holden, 10th District-Accepted the increase and donated it to gang diversion programs in his district. Marvin Braude, 11th District-Accepted the increase and donated it to three police divisions in his district. Hal Benson, 12th District-Accepted the increase and donated it to LAPD’s Devonshire and Foothill divisions. Jackie Goldberg, 13th District-Waived the increase. Richard Alatorre, 14th District-Wavied the increase. Rudy Svorinich Jr., 15th District-Wavied the increase.


Current salary: $99,297. Current salary with raise: $104,262. * Gloria Molina, 1st District-Donated increase to county’s General Fund. Yvonne Brathwaite Burke, 2nd District-Donated increase to her own foundation, which raises money to build swimming pools in her district, and to two other charities. Ed Edelman, 3rd District-Kept the increase. Deane Dana, 4th District-Donated increase to charity, undecided as to which. Mike Antonovich, 5th District-Donated increase to charities that deal with troubled youth.


Researched by JEANNETTE REGALADO / Los Angeles Times
