

* Robert Kasten’s column (Commentary, Dec. 27) provides a thoughtful analysis of why the United States should support Taiwan’s participation in the United Nations.

The residents of the Republic of China on Taiwan have worked very hard to accomplish remarkable economic, political and social changes over the past 40 years. Taipei has shared its success by providing economic aid to Latin American, African and other Asian countries. Even Washington has encouraged Taipei to participate in multilateral efforts to promote global prosperity. Taiwan belongs only to the people living there. Neglecting this population and its government is a gross violation of the universality of membership principles which the United Nations upholds. Taiwan’s people deserve better than this.

As president of the Taiwan Benevolent Assn. of America, I feel the United States should add its vote to those who believe the Republic of China on Taiwan has earned a U.N. seat.



Rockville, Md.
