
THE BIZ : Immaterial Girl

Is there a swatch of Material Girl trivia too insignificant for a true-blue Madonnaphile to receive without a hearty squeal? Laurie Pike doesn’t think so.

That’s why the former KTTV entertainment reporter is bringing Madonna minutiae into your living room via public-access TV. That’s right, fans, airing on a cable channel near you, it’s a whole show . . . “All About Madonna!”

“Have you ever gotten the feeling that there’s just not enough Madonna to go around?” Pike asked in the first segment of “All About Madonna.” “I feel that way all the time.”


Her shows valiantly try to keep pace with the demand. A club kid who once danced next to Madonna tells his story! An exclusive interview with an author who sold film rights for his book to Madonna’s production company! And there’s an “All About Madonna” scoop--a never-before-heard Madonna single, “We Live in a House,” recorded when she sang with a group called “The Spinal Root Gang.” There’s also an interview with one of the band members, who reveals that Madonna may have walked off with his grandmother’s antique radio!

“My goal with the Madonna show,” Pike says, “was to make the stupidest public access show ever.” It’s not really about Madonna, she says. “It’s about public access, about talk shows and about how sick fans are.”

“The question was if anyone was going to take it seriously and I think they have,” says the cheeky hostess, who nonetheless insists that she is “a total Madonna fan.”


The four “All About Madonna” segments already taped will be airing until the end of February on various cable systems in Southern California as well as in 14 cities in other areas. After that, Pike says, fans will have to fend for themselves. “I’m kind of sick of Madonna at this point,” she says.
