
Disc Jockeying


As everybody knows, record sales don’t tell the whole story. For anyone who wants to see past the hype, one good index of who’s hot and who’s not may be found by prowling the used CD bins at local record stores.

The Social Climes unscientific survey reveals that the most available (meaning most returned) used CDs of 1993 are “Hey Zeus” by X, Billy Idol’s “Cyberpunk” and the Patty Scialfa solo album.

On the plus side (or the minus side, from the perspective of your budget), Nirvana’s “In Utero” will still set you back full price. We didn’t find it without shrink wrap anywhere in town.


This Club Is a Drag

1993 has also been good to Dragstrip 66, which celebrated its first anniversary last week at its Silver Lake haunt. This biweekly cross-dressing club scored a celebrity coup when its Karen Black Ball a few months ago was graced with the unexpected presence of the actress herself. Roseanne Barr showed up at the club on Halloween.

Adding glitter to last week’s fete at the club was outrageous punk diva Nina Hagen. Despite her feminine biology, Hagen, say Dragstrip 66 promoters Mr. Dan and Paul V., “is the real godmother of the type of drag that goes on at our club.”

Love Bytes

Not that we like to give people more reasons not go out, but it looks as if local Internet users will be getting a new news group devoted to personal ads for L.A.


Because Internet, a global computer network, reaches around the world, L.A. mate-seekers on the ‘Net have had to wade through hundreds of postings from geographical undesirables--you know, nice traits, too bad she lives in Stuttgart.

Not anymore. Should the Internet group’s new la.personal attract enough subscribers, local computer-bound lonely hearts can post personal ads and E-mail messages back and forth to potential mates or dates. That’s right, that date of your dreams (“into Unix, C-based languages and ASCII art”) could be only a few keystrokes--and a short freeway drive--away.
