
COSTA MESA : Helicopter Program a Success, City Told

A 3-month-old program that pools helicopters among three law enforcement agencies has been successful and could generate money for the city, Police Capt. David L. Brooks told the City Council last week.

At a study session, the council heard a status report on the regional helicopter program that joins services at the Costa Mesa and Huntington Beach police departments with those provided by the Orange County Sheriff’s Department.

The joint program, created last Sept. 26, is known as ABLE--or AirBorne Law Enforcement Services.


The three departments now work as one unit and have had some recent successes, Brooks said. One helicopter crew spotted and saved a woman who attempted suicide in her car after parking away from roads. Another crew noticed a grass fire near the city golf course and quickly directed firefighters to put out the blaze.

Brooks told the council the helicopter units also provide service to other cities and agencies and have the potential to raise money. The federal government spent $24,998 to hire the helicopters during the recent Laguna Beach wildfires, according to a written report Brooks gave the council.

Narcotics investigation teams have spent $43,500 to use the helicopters, he reported. And nine cities are negotiating to use the service. If all come aboard, the agency would get about $362,558, the report stated.


Brooks told the council the three agencies are looking to base the helicopters at one place, possibly the El Toro Marine Corps Air Station.
