
ORANGE : School Trustees OK $180,000 in Cuts

Trustees for the Orange Unified School District have agreed to cut expenses for administrators and supervisors in an attempt to partially close a $480,000 shortfall in its $107-million budget.

The board voted 7 to 0 Thursday night to OK nearly a dozen measures that will save the district an estimated $180,000.

The board approved ending cellular phone use and car mileage allowances for three administrators, maintaining freezes on three vacant leadership positions and reducing the budgets for recruitment and community relations.


But even with the cuts, the board still must slash an additional $300,000 from its budget to balance its ledger for 1993-94. The board is scheduled to consider on Jan. 27 eliminating up to 35 jobs in the classified department, which, if passed, would balance the district’s budget.

However, at Thursday’s meeting, the trustees postponed a vote on a proposal that would have either reduced their monthly stipends by 10% or cut their health benefits.

Board members now receive a monthly stipend of $380 plus a $450 health insurance package, which covers dependents.


An ad hoc committee composed of three board members will study the proposal and make a recommendation to the whole board at its meeting next month.

“I’m not here for the money,” said board member Max Reissmueller. “But I do say if we are to have competent people behind the mikes, we need reasonable compensation.”
