
What’s the Flap About? A Jazzed Up Charleston Party of the Roaring ‘20s

The invitations said “Charleston!” And Joan and John Hotchkis guaranteed 160 guests by flying in the nine-piece Louisiana Repertory Jazz Ensemble Saturday night.

Leader and clarinetist Fred Staff had a good time explaining that the group has “resurrected the totally lost music of New Orleans--that of the old pre-jazz parade funeral bands.”

The vibrations shook the feathers on countless maribou boas and headbands as a swank spangled and black-tied group entered Campanile Restaurant on La Brea to Hotchkis’ hugs and kisses.


Kelly Day, tasseled and maribou-ed, walked in with Georgette Mosbacher, who wore a cloche and long strands of pearls. (Their husbands were hunting.)

The new chief judge of the federal District Court in Los Angeles, Matthew Byrne, arrived with former Ambassador to Ireland Peter Dailey and Dailey’s wife, Jackie. There were four ambassadors in the crowd. Besides Dailey, former Ambassador to Mexico John Gavin with Connie, former Ambassador to Finland Rock Schnabel with Marna and former Ambassador to Jamaica Glen Holden with Gloria. The Holdens were a perfect study on the Charleston.

For originality, however, Mary Milner, dancing with husband Reese, took the cake, as they used to say, with her novel mix of Charleston and rock to “The Darktown Strutters Ball.”


The night was a ‘20s fashion show: Betsy Bloomingdale tied up at the hip in a glittery chemise, Carrie Ketchum in twirling orange chiffon fringe, Marina Day in ruffled polka dots.

Bridget Martens resurrected a Zandra Rhodes hand-painted copper chiffon. Susie Niven, who flew from Sun Valley, wore rings over her elbow-length black gloves.

Los Angeles’ former Italian consul general Alberto Boniver and his wife Suzy--now in the same spot in New York--flew in. Gordon Davidson arrived past midnight to join wife Judi, after his flight was rerouted to Las Vegas because of fog. Carol and Warner Henry arrived at 5:30 p.m. from Paris.


Penny Bianchi almost didn’t make it. She said it had taken “35 minutes and 500 hooks” for Adam to fasten her into Susie Hollingsworth’s mother’s ‘20s gown.

Patti and Tommy Skouras Charlestoned all night. Gretchen and David Seager cavorted.

Now, the Hotchkises fly off to St. Moritz for the Cresta (toboggan) Run.


SHARE A DATE: The Junior League of Los Angeles benefit, honoring Nancy Reagan, and the San Diego Women’s International Center affair, starring Hillary Rodham Clinton, fall on the same evening--March 12.

The league will fete Mrs. Reagan with “An Affair to Remember” at the Universal Sheraton. A blue-ribbon honorary committee is giving support--Jean Smith, Betsy Bloomingdale, Marion Jorgensen, Gayle Wilson, Harriet Deutsch and Mignon Winans.

League president Ann Zimmerman says Mrs. Reagan, a league sustainer, will be honored for her anti-drug efforts.

In San Diego, Mrs. Clinton will receive the Living Legacy Award for service to the Children’s Defense Fund. Also receiving Legacy Awards will be Dr. Michael E. Debakey, cardiovascular medicine innovator; John and Sally Thornton, endowers of the Thornton Hospital at the UC San Diego Medical Center and Medical School; Barbara Piasecka Johnson, for humanitarian effort to her native Poland and Dina Merrill, for her efforts for needy children.

More Legacy honorees are Uta Hagen, actress; Elaine Harris, founder/director of the Sjogren’s Syndrome Foundation; Joan Embery, for work to preserve wild animals, and Martha Longnecker, for her efforts to further global folk art. The ceremony is dedicated to the late Helen Hayes.



NEWEST: The Bachelors are announcing new members. They’ll be on display at the upcoming fancy dress Bachelors Ball Feb. 11. Steven W. Leland chairs the affair at the Beverly Hilton. The newest: William Keck III, Derrick Coleman, Mark Holdsworth, Michael Smith, Brian Stevens, Tod Burnett, Richard Ascher, Mark Dundee, Peter Hyan III, Geoffrey Lands, Gregory Mariscal, Gregory Morrow, Travis Reed III, Michael Arrigo, Gregory Richardson, Boyd Smith, James Wayne, Frank Vodhanel Jr. and Nicholas Welsh.


ESCALATION: The 90th anniversary of the Coleman Chamber Music Assn. will be celebrated Friday at the Caltech Atheneum. Planning on birthday cake are co-chairs Lynn Clifford, Carol Bressler and Peggy Wright. The Coleman presents six annual concerts at Caltech’s Beckman Auditorium.


HIGHER PURPOSES: Marjorie Lord Volk heads the committee that chose the Steven Spielberg film “Schindler’s List” to receive the Scripter Award Jan. 29. Friends of the USC Libraries will crowd the Doheny Library for the black-tie dinner to salute Thomas Keneally and his novel and the screenwriter Steven Zaillian.


AFTERGLOW: Members of Las Madrecitas Auxiliary of the Crippled Children’s Guild of Orthopaedic Hospital are still focused on the afterglow of their Evergreen Ball at the Regent Beverly Wilshire and the presentation of nine young women: Jennifer Broyles, Kristen Campbell, Mary Carey, Shawna Hagerty, Alexis Hernandez, Heather Mittelstaedt, Kerry Murray, Karen Phillips and Amy Willock.


TWELFTH NIGHTS: Carol and Warner Henry hosted their traditional party at the California Club, where Anita Garnier found the pea in her dessert and was crowned queen and Bruce Coffey uncovered the bean to rule as king.

At Les Dames de Champagne’s Bal Masque festivities at L’Orangerie, guests dined on a mousse of red bell pepper and gateau of sole with vermouth sauce as they watched president Kathy Wills introduce “Host of the Year” James A. Doolittle, director of the Music Center’s Southern California Theater Assn.


Les Dames raised $30,000 for the Los Angeles Child Guidance Clinic, the National Tuberous Sclerosis Assn. and the Assistance League of Southern California.


PLAUDITS: Trustees of the Museum of Contemporary Art have elected Daniel D. Villanueva a trustee . . . Tom Lee, chairman and CEO of Newhall Land and Farming Company, has been installed new chair of the Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce . . . Bandleader Joe Moshay and his wife Josie recently celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary, his 85th birthday and 65 years of Music by Moshay.
