
National Guard to Erect Tent Cities : Housing: No sites are designated for the rain-resistant shelters to be set up for thousands of displaced residents, many of whom have been sleeping in parks.


Responding to a request by the state, the National Guard began preparing Thursday to set up tents to house 6,000 displaced residents, many of whom have been sleeping in parks.

“We’re going to be able to at least provide them shelter from the elements,” said Lt. Bob Stern, spokesman for the California National Guard. “As soon as we have been notified by the state Office of Emergency Services where to erect these tents, we will move to that site.”

Like those used in Florida after Hurricane Andrew, the canvas tents are rain-resistant and can be wired for electricity, Stern said. It was unclear where the tents would be set up or for how long.


The state made the request Thursday based on an appeal by local officials, said Kati Corsaut, spokeswoman for the state Office of Emergency Services.

With rain forecast for this weekend, the tents could provide relief for residents already living under desperate condition.

Providing shelter is the latest addition to he National Guard’s mission in the San Fernando Valley.


Since being activated Monday, National Guard troops have become a familiar sight in the Valley, patrolling mini-malls and parks to deter looters, delivering water, directing traffic at busy intersections and providing water to residents.

They are here, they said, to perform whatever duties local officials request.

“Our job is to provide a presence,” said 1st Lt. Thom) Thomas of Company C, 3rd Battalion 160 Infantry based in Inglewood. “It’s a desperate situation for people in the parks.”

Los Angeles City Councilwoman Laura Chick said quake-weary residents are pleased to see the soldiers.


“Just their presence is calming and reassuring,” she said.

At the peak deployment, about 2,604 Guard troops were activated in California this week. Of these, 2,300 were assigned to spots in the Valley. The number has fluctuated depending on need, Stern said.

The role of the Guard troops actually began even before they started patrolling the Valley. Shortly after the quake, Air National Guard aircraft helped transport doctors from San Diego to replace those at a Granada Hills hospital, Stern said.

The Guard also flew security guards from state universities in other areas of California to relieve guards patrolling Cal State Northridge.

“Since we were activated Monday afternoon, we have flown more than 1,300 passengers around the Valley,” said Maj. Daniel L. Nation of the Air National Guard’s 144 Fighter Wing based in Fresno.

The Guard has been flying about 300 sheriff’s deputies and officials and 200 firefighters by helicopters daily to various sites, such as Santa Clarita, that are virtually cut off by damaged freeways.


In shelters and parks filled with weary residents, the Guard has been called on to help ensure that frustration does not evolve into violence or mass confusion--or more destruction.


At the Sepulveda Recreation Center earlier this week, the Guard was called to help restore order after some of the 1,500 people sleeping there rushed a truck that was delivering blankets.

About 60 troops were stationed at the site of a collapsed apartment building in Northridge where 16 people died. Soldiers helped with the evacuation of residents and later patrolled the complex to deter looters and prevent residents from trying to enter the dangerous rubble to retrieve belongings.

The soldiers are armed with M-16 rifles, but some of the weapons are not loaded, Nation said.

“The commander has the discretion to determine if they need ammunition,” he said.

Before Rain Arrives

If professional help is unavailable, homeowners can bandage roofs or walls in advance of the rain that is forecast for this weekend.


Place tarps across roof peaks. Barriers not draped over a peak would allow water to seep underneath.

Anchor edges of plastic tarps with boards and nails. Plastic will tear if anchored by nils alone. For best results, wrap plastic around a thin strip of board several times, then nail.


On tile roofs, anchor edges with cinder blocks or bricks.


CHIMNEYS THAT SWAYED OR BROKE IN THE QUAKE MAY HAVE WORKED THEMSELVES AWAY FROM THE HOUSE. Caulk the seams or minor cracks. For major gaps between the roof and the chimney use a tarp or aluminum flashing. Tarp must be draped over the top. (Beware of possible column failure as you work around damaged chimney.)


Broken windows should be boarded with plywood, both a a weather-tight measure and for security.

Even is stucco walls are cracked, weatherproof building paper underneath may provide a rain barrier. For major cracks, or when the building paper is torn, use a tarp. Hairline cracks are nothing to worry about for the short term.

Source: Daniels Van Dorpe, Building Industry Association., county inspectors
