
Work on 2 Freeways Will Require Detours

Beginning today, scheduled construction work on the Costa Mesa and Artesia freeways are requiring some detours, highway officials said.

The northbound Costa Mesa Freeway from Edinger Avenue to the Santa Ana Freeway interchange will be closed from midnight today to 6 a.m. Saturday, according to Pam Gorniak of Caltrans. Detour signs will direct drivers to alternate routes.

The northbound connector of the Costa Mesa Freeway to the southbound Santa Ana Freeway will close from 2 to 5 p.m. today.


The private company building express toll lanes on the Artesia Freeway has closed the Santiago Boulevard on-ramp to the northbound Costa Mesa until further notice. To implement the ramp closure, it was necessary to close the northbound connector to the westbound Artesia until 5 a.m. today, according to spokesman Frank Wilson.
