
FRANKLY, MY DEAR: More than 650 of...

FRANKLY, MY DEAR: More than 650 of the Funniest, Smartest, Gutsiest, Nastiest, Sexiest, and Simply Greatest Quotes in Celebration of Women in the Movies compiled and edited by Jeff Bloch (Citadel Press: $9.95; 180 pp., illustrated, paperback original). This anthology contains some classic lines: “As long as I know how to get what I want, that’s all I wanna know,” (Judy Holliday in “Born Yesterday,” 1950); “I need him like the ax needs the turkey,” (Barbara Stanwyck in “The Lady Eve,” 1941). But Bloch omits all mention of the men and women who wrote those lines; Mae West’s, “Beulah, peel me a grape,” is probably the only ad-lib in the book.
