
HEALTH CARE : Oncotech Joins UCI to Work on Ovarian Cancer Vaccine

Compiled by James M. Gomez / Times Staff Writer

Though it has yet to sell any drugs on the market, Oncotech Inc. is nonetheless expanding its product line.

The 8-year-old, privately held biotechnology firm in Irvine just signed a deal with UC Irvine and its Orange-based medical center to develop a vaccine for deadly ovarian cancer.

The company, which earns income by providing lab work on biopsies for local cancer centers, is working to develop two cancer-fighting drugs--one with Cornell University, Chief Executive Frank Kiesner said.


Kiesner said that the newest development deal is based on research by Morrie Granger, professor of molecular biology and biochemistry at UCI. The company will provide funding as well as laboratory help in developing the drug.
