
SEAL BEACH : Eatery Seeks to Add Patio at End of Pier

Ruby’s is seeking to add a patio seating area to its restaurant at the end of the Seal Beach Pier, but there’s concern the project could limit space for public fishing.

The Planning Commission has postponed a decision on the proposal until Feb. 9 so that city officials can gather additional information about the request.

Ruby’s wants to use 780 square feet of the pier to build a patio dining area that can seat about 55 people. The restaurant chain would rent the land from the city, which owns the pier.


The commission last week requested that the city examine how the expansion would affect people who fish off the pier. The project “basically takes away a portion of the pier from those who walk on it and restricts it to customers of the restaurant,” said Planning Director Lee Whittenberg.

City officials plan to contact the Department of Fish and Game to get its opinion on the issue. In addition to city approval, Ruby’s must also get permission from the California Coastal Commission before building the patio.

Ruby’s shares the end of the pier with a bait shop and charter fishing business. The prime location offers ocean views from inside the restaurant.


Whittenberg said the expansion would be the largest new development on the pier in several years.
